
Branding doesn't mean to "get a logo".
We aim to establish a brand DNA.

Brand DNA

Ideally established in cooperation with our partner PREBRANDING, or makeshift – if need be.
Resources created this way will always stand out from those made based on aesthetics alone because just like in nature, a flawless DNA blueprint is a paramount prerequisite for optimal reproduction.

Look & Feel

Once an authentic DNA has been found, we can start creating a perfectly matched branding, logo, visuals, texts and all other kinds of assets – all the way up to a corporate identity.
Doing it this way round, we avoid your brand being percieved as half-baked or even frickle due to frequent adjustments being made on the fly. That's not to say brands can't change, but ideally they don't change beyond recognition.


Remember the life-cycle approach from our Introduction? Everything starts with a choice and there are perfect moments to make truly ground breaking choices and absolutely terrible ones. We have certain “ways” (how mysterious…) to determine them.  

We can also assist you in making great transformative changes, be it through generational changes, paradigm shifts or simply because necessity is the mother of evolution.

Beyond Definitions

Marketing & Automation